Decision Support
Nonparametric Statistics

"Selecting the correct tool is half of decision making"

By using this book the decision maker will:

  • receive an introduction to decision making

  • receive a (relatively) painless introduction to the logic of statistics and WHY it is used

  • learn about the four levels of data measurement, and about what nonparametric statistics procedures best analyze them, and WHY

  • learn how through hypothesis testing nonparametric statistics suggest the best decision

  • learn about nonparametric statistics through this book's discussions, examples, and downloadable spreadsheets

  • learn WHY analysis using nonparametric statistics procedures is ALWAYS valid, and WHY using them will lead to better decision-making

ALL of the spreadsheets presented in this text can be downloaded at no additional cost.
Also provided are instructions to download a spreadsheet program at no additional cost.


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